Tearii pilitati - strategic communications lead

Tearii was born and bred in Wellington and her whakapapa goes back to the Cook Islands and Samoa. Tearii joined the team in January 2023 and will curate and lead the compelling storytelling of how our work creates healthier social and physical environments for our local community across Te Awa Kairangi.

Titikaveka | Mauke | Atiu | Mangaia | Saoluafata | Falevao


What as an interesting fact about you?

I’m an identical triplet – don’t worry if you say hello to the wrong triplet in public, my sisters and I love meeting new people and having a kōrero.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like a good walk in nature and spending time with my anau and friends. I just bought an ukarere from Rarotonga so I spend a fair bit of time learning how to play it.

Who inspires you?

My parents are my inspiration. Their love, kindness and work ethic for our family and community is something I look up to and hope to do just as much as them and more someday.